1. These terms are deemed as accepted in full by your attendance of AngleseyMusic lessons.
2. Lesson prices, in line with our pricing policy, are all as displayed on our booking forms and are none-negotiable.
a: Prices to be reviewed annually.
b: Block bookings, automated payment and pre-payment options are available. Contact us to set this up.
c: A single, initial 30 minute 1/2 price taster lesson, or audition session for performers, is available at the discretion of AngleseyMusic. This is available only for new students with no prior experience, and only where offered on initial enquiry.
3. Optional extras and discretionary charges:
a: Students need to purchase their own learning books. You can order your books through AngleseyMusic at cost price, or purchase them yourself. Please ask the teacher which range and book you will need.
b: Pre-school flash card sets are available via email free of charge to print and cut yourself.
c. Access to our Student and Parent teaching portal is free of charge.
4. Payments: Payments are preferred via Auto-pay set up in your student portal, bank transfer before the lesson starts, via Stripe card payments from a link on your invoice, or in cash before or at the end of each lesson. Payment details can be found here.
A: For payments based on per-lesson basis
a: Payments must be received BEFORE the lesson can commence.
b: Any lessons not paid within 24 hours of the lesson will receive a reminder for payment
c: If payment is still not received 48 hours after the lesson has finished, a 25% surcharge of the whole amount owed will be applied, without exception.
B: For payments based on pre-paid/invoice
a: Over payments or adjusted amounts due to changed lessons will be rolled forward to the next invoice.
b: Invoices will be sent 5 days before the next invoice period with a due date of the first day of the new invoice period
c: Payment for the full invoice must be received BEFORE any lessons in the new invoice period can commence.
d: Lessons missed due to none-payment will be marked as billable
e: Any invoices not paid in full within the first 5 days of the invoice will receive a reminder for payment
f: If payment in full is still not received 48 hours after the invoice due date, a 25% surcharge of the whole invoiced amount will be applied, without exception.
g: It is the student's responsibility to inform us of any planned absences before the next invoice period begins. Once an invoice is issued, it will not be amended and remains payable in full. Any over payment for the period will be rolled over in line with term 4.B(a)
C: For all payments
a: Any student who receives 3 late payment charges in any 3 month period will either be asked to sign up to Auto-pay or have their lessons cancelled.
b:: Failure to pay the charges and any surcharges will result in legal reclamation of the owed amount, at the discretion of the company, we will either:
i: Cancel all future lessons, applying the 1 month chargeable cancellation fee (11.)
ii: Move you to a monthly advanced payment scheme, which requires automated payments via Stripe.
5. Practice: Practice is the essential key to playing. Ideally all students should commit to a minimum of 20 to 45 minutes every day, however we realise that for some this is not possible. We ask all students to commit to doing some practice between lessons to avoid having to repeat lessons, or worse, going backwards in the tutorial books
a: It is a condition of AngleseyMusic that you obtain means to practice on at home within the first few lessons to ensure continuity of learning. We can advice the best, most economic solution to buying an instrument, however if you are unable to practice, lessons will be paused until you are ready to learn.
6. Teaching days: Private lessons are available all year round. Teacher holidays will be advised a minimum of 2 weeks before they occur. Available days are currently Monday to Saturday, with Sundays available by invite only.
7. Lesson days and times: Lessons will normally take place on the same day and time each week unless a prior arrangement has been made.
a: If you are late for a lesson, AngleseyMusic may not be able to extend the lesson beyond the booked time and the lesson will still be chargeable at the full rate.
b: If the teacher is running late, AngleseyMusic will extend the lesson if possible, if not then your teacher will either make up the time on the next lesson or charge a pro-rota price for the shorter lesson.
c: Limited fortnightly lessons are available in none-primary time slots only for those who can not commit to weekly lessons, but once these fortnightly slots are filled, we will not open more.
c1: Students taking fortnightly lessons will not be offered alternative slots if you are unable to make your planned lesson.
c2: We highly recommend that fortnightly students familiarise themselves with the student portal to aid practice and lesson scheduling. It is not the responsibility of AngleseyMusic or your teachers to do this for you.
8. Missed Lessons: If you are unable to attend, please contact AngleseyMusic directly as soon as possible, or cancel via our student portal.
a: AngleseyMusic requires a minimum of 48 hours from the start of each lesson for lesson cancellations, otherwise the lesson is chargeable at the full rate. Exceptions are at the discretion of your teacher and/or the company.
b: Lessons cancelled within 4 hours of the planned lesson start will be fully billable without exception.
c: Rearranged lessons: If available and at the discretion of your teacher, we may offer rearranged lessons. If taken, this lesson will be billable even if cancelled in advance, without exception.
9. Attendance: We ask that all students attend 75% of their planned lessons. Failure to do so will result in lesson times being switched to none-primary time slots or cancelled all together.
a: Any student falling below 60% attendance, regardless of the reason for missing, will be charged for every lesson including missed ones.
b: We monitor all attendance and people repeatedly cancelling outside of the 48 hour cancellation period (see 8.) may result in AngleseyMusic being unable to offer tuition going forward.
10. Teacher absence: If, for any reason, your teacher becomes unavailable on a day which we have agreed a lesson, AngleseyMusic will notify you as early as possible. Any fee already paid will either be carried forward to the next lesson or returned in full.
11. Cancellation: Should you wish to cancel taking lessons all together, after the first month of paid-for lessons, we require a 1 month cancellation period. Should you cease to attend lessons for this period, the lessons during the cancellation period remain chargeable as per our payment terms (4.). This condition will be waived at the discretion of AngleseyMusic, or if the lessons are cancelled within 1 month of starting lessons.
12. Exams: AngleseyMusic is happy to enter students for Piano grade exams, music theory exams or assess for Keyboard Music Medals through only fully accredited exam centres, however priority is that students have a rewarding and enjoyable music experience. Exam fees will be required in advance and we will notify you of the application payment deadline. Young students will require parental/guardian permission for exams.
13. Instruments:
a: We will ensure that fully working, modern and relevant equipment is available for the booked lesson.
b: All of our instruments are the personal property of Simon Wareham, they are used for his personal use and public performance as well as teaching. These instruments must be respected and treated carefully. That includes not standing on pedals, forcing moving parts, banging them around or randomly pressing buttons. Instruments should not be played without invite.
14. Special medical or educational needs: In the interests of the student’s well being whilst in the teacher’s care, AngleseyMusic must be informed of any medical or special learning needs or any other condition affecting the student. This information will be protected in the strictest of confidence and will not be disclosed to any third parties.
15. Protection: For child protection procedures, AngleseyMusic declines to have any direct contact with students under 16 years via their personal mobile phones, email or social media, unless done through our securely monitored MMS Student portal. All lesson related communications must be through parents phone/email/social media or through relevant schools. All teachers are DBS checked.
16. Privacy: All of your details and progress is held in the strictest confidence and will not be shared with any third parties without your express permission. From time to time, photo’s are taken during lessons, performances and workshops for use on social media and marketing. Permission will be requested before photos are taken, however this contract gives your approval to use photos which you specifically permit us to take during a lesson, performance or workshop to be used online, on social media or marketing. If you do not wish your photos to be used in this way, please tell your teacher when we ask if we can take photos.
Music room rules:
17. Only play when invited
18. No food or eating in the music room. Drinks can be brought in, however they must be placed on the side tables provided.
19. Listen!
20. Please respect our instruments and our equipment
21. By arriving for your lesson at our teaching addresses, you are accepting these rules and conditions in full. It is your responsibility to read and understand. If you can not agree to them, please let us know and we can either revert your lessons to online or cancel your lessons.
22. Should anyone with a planned lesson have any symptoms of any virus, including coughs and colds, or you or any of your household members have been told to self-isolate, you must notify us and arrange for your lesson to take place online.
23. AngleseyMusic has a sanitisation and health and safety procedure. By arriving for your lesson, you are acknowledging that AngleseyMusic or it's staff can not be held responsible for any transference, contagion or infection contracted whilst attending your lessons, nor can they be held liable.
24. Although we abide by all current legal and advisory guidelines, every student and person attending lessons with AngleseyMusic is fully and personally responsible for their own safety and actions during their lesson.
25. Please wait in the designated areas (see your email) until your teacher comes out to collect you. Your teacher will come out to invite you in at your lesson time.
26. Although we have to provide toilet facilities, we do ask that students please try to use the toilet before they arrive for their lesson to minimise our between-lesson sanitisation.