Payments are preferred via Auto-pay set up in your student portal. Payment is also possible by direct bank transfer before the lesson starts, via Stripe card payments from a link on your invoice, or, for certain teachers, in cash before or after the lesson.
For bank transfer, our details are below along with payment terms:
Direct Bank Transfer Account: 31556681
Sort code: 40 30 14
Name: AngleseyMusic
Please include full student name as reference.
If you have problems with payments, please contact us as soon as possible.
Payment Terms:
For payments based on per-lesson basis:
a: Payments must be received BEFORE the lesson can commence.
b: Any lessons not paid within 24 hours of the lesson will receive a reminder for payment
c: If payment is still not received 48 hours after the lesson has finished, a 25% surcharge of the whole amount owed will be applied, without exception.
For payments based on pre-paid/invoice:
a: Over payments or adjusted amounts due to changed lessons will be rolled forward to the next invoice.
b: Invoices will be sent 5 days before the next invoice period with a due date of the first day of the new invoice period
c: Payment for the full invoice must be received BEFORE any lessons in the new invoice period can commence.
d: Lessons missed due to none-payment will be marked as billable
e: Any invoices not paid in full within the first 5 days of the invoice will receive a reminder for payment
f: If payment in full is still not received 48 hours after the invoice due date, a 25% surcharge of the whole invoiced amount will be applied, without exception.
For all payments:
a: Any student who receives 3 late payment charges in any 3 month period will either be asked to sign up to Auto-pay or have their lessons cancelled.
b:: Failure to pay the charges and any surcharges will result in legal reclamation of the owed amount, at the discretion of the company, we will either:
i: Cancel all future lessons, applying the 1 month chargeable cancellation fee (11.)
ii: Move you to a monthly advanced payment scheme, which requires automated payments via Stripe.